Skipping for HIIT

Skipping for HIIT burns almost double the calories of a spin class and is a workout favourite among both A-listers and world-class athletes. With stats like that you need to give skipping a go for your HIIT today.
Sporty woman jumping skipping rope at gym

Skipping for HIIT – who would have thought that a fun-favourite playground activity as a child would turn out to be one of this year’s hottest fitness trends? A core part of boxers’ (some of the fittest athletes on the planet) training programmes, it’s also credited by stars such as Gigi Hadid and Gal Gadot for helping them stay in shape. Now though, it’s become a workout in itself, known as high-intensity interval training or the much catchier, ‘HIIT.’

A full-body workout, skipping can burn up to 1200 calories per hour (almost double that of a spin class) and ten minutes of doing it can have the same health benefits as 45 minutes of running.


Skipping is one of the best cardio and HIIT (high-intensity interval training) workouts you can do, It also develops timing, balance, coordination and agility and, as a bonus, also tones the upper and lower body muscles. Jumping up and down is also the best way to stimulate your lymph nodes which is very important for flushing toxins.
Developing your technique and form is key for staying injury-free and for building up speed and pace. The secret lies in keeping your hand position and your jump height consistent whilst looking to reduce the movement in both. The turn of the rope needs to be generated by the wrist and the feet need to be leaving the floor by only the amount needed to allow the passing of the skipping rope.

A test of endurance, but also of coordination thanks to the incorporation of a range of different skipping ‘tricks’ – crossing your legs on alternate skips, double-unders (or triples if you dare) and crossovers for example. This challenges coordination skills in a way that is engaging, tough and fun.

skipping for HIIT

Your skipping for HIIT could be performed at your local gym or park or in any clear area of space and at a minimal cost. Skipping is also the perfect antidote to break up long stints sitting at a computer and the ideal training to get you moving every day when working from home.

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